
du campus safety

DU Emergency Number: 303-871-3000

  • Answered 24 hours a day by trained Department representatives, our Emergency Number is available for any emergency or crisis in your life.
  • You might call the DU Emergency number when:
    • You’re having a medical emergency. (If it is a life-threatening emergency, dial 911 first.)
    • You’re in fear for your safety. (If you’re in a life-threatening situation, dial 911 first.)
    • You've been a victim of a crime.
    • You're experiencing an emotional or mental health crisis.
    • You're concerned about the well-being of a friend or colleague at the University.
du campus safety

Reporting Crimes (cross-list)

  • You can report a crime or Honor Code violation to our Department at any time by calling 303-871-2334. An officer will be sent to your location to take your report.
  • If you would like to provide a confidential report on information about a crime or suspected crime, you may call the anonymous tip line at 303-871-3130. Please leave as much information as possible so that we may investigate the incident.
  • To anonymously report a sexual assault, please contact either The Health and Counseling Center or the Center for Advocacy, Prevention and Empowerment. To formally report a sexual assault, contact Campus Safety.
Report a Crime

Report suspicious activity and crimes

Denver Police Department Emergency 911
Denver Police Department Non-Emergency (720) 913-2000
Campus Safety Emergency (303) 871-3000
Campus Safety (Non-Emergency) Call to report a crime, request a walking escort or schedule a crime prevention presentation (303) 871-2334 (1-2334)
Campus Safety Anonymous Tip Line Anonymously report tips regarding crime on campus (303) 871-3130 (1-3130)
Center for Advocacy, Prevention and Empowerment (CAPE) Provides confidential daytime advocacy and support for victims of sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking and sexual harassment (303) 871-3853 (1-3853)
Health & Counseling Center’s Afterhours Counselor on Call Confidential, after-hours crisis services for urgent mental health and gender violence concerns (303) 871-2205 (1-2205)

University Resources

Campus Safety (Emergency)

911 then (303) 871-3000 (711 Relay)


Campus Safety (Non-Emergency)

(303) 871-2334 (711 Relay)


Campus Safety Anonymous Tip Line

(303) 871-3130 (1-3130)


Campus Safety Toll Free



C-Cure Access Control System -Access Coordinators

(303) 871-2334 (1-2334)

Building Access Coordinators List

Student Rights & Responsibilities

303-871-5724 (1-5724)

SRR Website

Center for Advocacy, Prevention and Empowerment (C.A.P.E.)

(303) 871-3853 (1-3853)

C.A.P.E. website

Health & Counseling Center

(303) 871-2205 (1-2205)

Health & Counseling Center website

Housing & Residential Education (HRE)

(303) 871-2246 (1-2246)

Housing website

Risk Management

(303) 871-2327 (1-2327)

Risk Management website

C.A.P.E. Hotline (24/7)

(303) 871-3456 (1-3456)

Sexual Assault website

Sexual Respect & Title IV


Title IV

Local & State Resources

Colorado AIDS Project

(303) 837-0166

Colorado AIDS Project website

Community Reach Center (Mental Health Support)

(303) 853-3500


Denver Cares Detox

(303) 436-7222


Denver Fire Department (Emergency)


Denver Fire Department web site

Denver Health Medical Center

(303) 436-6000

Denver Health Medical Center website

Denver Police Department (Emergency)


Denver Police Department web site

Denver Police Department (Non-Emergency)

(720) 913-2000

Denver Police Department web site

Planned Parenthood Denver

(303) 321-2458

Planned Parenthood Denver web site

Porter Hospital

(303) 778-1955

Porter Hospital web site

Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center

(800) 222-1222

Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center web site

SafeHouse Denver (Domestic Violence Shelter)

(303) 318-9959

SafeHouse Denver web site

Swedish Hospital

(303) 788-5000

Swedish Hospital web site

University Hospital

(303) 372-0000

University Hospital web site

National Resources

Alcoholics Anonymous

(800) 711-6402

Drug Abuse Hotline

(800) 662-4357


Department of Homeland Security

(202) 282-8000

Federal Emergency Management Agency Emergency Preparedness

(202) 282-8000

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network

(800) 656-4673

U.S. State Department Travel Warnings

(888) 407-4747

World Health Organization (WHO)
